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Welcome to Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College Library (University of Delhi)

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College Library strives to create a Lively and Healthy environment for students, faculty, and staff members. Its collection caters to both the students’ academic and recreational requirements. The library has an institutional membership with UGC' N-LIST program. E-Journals and other e-resources subscribed by the Delhi University Library System are accessed in the Library through Delhi-University-Wide-Network and other e-resources accessed remotely through UGC' N-LiST program.User-friendly fully computerized On-line Library Catalougue(OPAC) is available for access to students and faculties in the College Library.

New Arrivals

Top-Circulating Books

Karmabhumi Corporate accounting B. Com. (Hons.) CBCS Godan GST and Customs law Geography of population : concepts, determinants and patterns N C C National Cadet Corps ( a concise Handbook of NCC cadets for 'A' 'B' and 'C' certificate examinations Fundamentals of business statistics Advertising and personal selling Corporate accounting : (CBCS) Choice Based Credit System Jansankhya Bhugol : Jannakiki evam Jansankhya Adhayayan Management accounting : theory, problems and solutions : As per (CBCS) syllabus for B.Com (Hons). Bharat ka bhugol Psychology: the science of mind and behavior Europe in transition from feudalism to industrialization Corporate laws for B.Com. (Hons.) (CBCS)

Quote of the Day

If day and night, summer and winter are well with you, you have surpassed the contradictions. ~ Silo – www.silo.net

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